Aut Cesar, Aut Nihil, Wargaming the Borgias.

Aut Cesar, Aut Nihil, Wargaming the Borgias.

Monday, 10 December 2012

Progress at Last

Its been awhile since my last post,things on the run up to Christmas are usually like that.
Anyway I feel I am actually making progress on my Borgia army.
I now have a small infantry command to field.
My first completed Swiss block,with arquebusiers and an extra row of pike. Eventually there will be two of these.

 Some Italian crossbowmen. I was lucky enough to get some old Citidal figures off e bay,at a good price. For Pike and Shotte rules,the infantry are on 40mm square bases,and really should have up to four figures on the base,me being cheap opted for three. But I think my next lot will have four on the bases.

I was kindly given some unpainted Hinchliffe figures by John,and I had to paint them. Peter Gilder was a great sculpter in my opinion are still amongst the best. I still love this range.
Anyway,halberdiers,with a Borgia flag. Technically an anachronism as Cesare didn't have landsnects,but hey ho, its my army.

And finally my first infantry command for Cesare Borgia................

My Italians will need every means available to win a game,hence the nun.

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Honour Guard of Cesare Borgia.

Honour Guard of Cesare Borgia.