Aut Cesar, Aut Nihil, Wargaming the Borgias.

Aut Cesar, Aut Nihil, Wargaming the Borgias.

Sunday, 15 June 2014

What is this life if full of care.

 My school experiences were pretty varied and well not really that relevant to life. However one poem that I was taught has always struck me as summing up how things are.The poem started, ''What is this life if full of care, we have no time to stand nor stare''
Well for me that should have read, no time to wargame.
Because from time to time wargamers lose their way as regards their hobby. Personal matters take precedence, life intrudes on your wargaming world, and realisim bites. The last few weeks have been like that for me. Between travelling because of work, the offer of new contracts, ill health and bereavement, wargaming has taken a back seat.
Of course the build up to the World Cup and me finally buying a terrain piece that I have always hankered after didnt help.
 Well, the windmill I purchased is now painted, and the other parts of real life are back in some sort of order, except illness, which there is little I
can do about apart from wait for the NHS to inform me of my position on their waiting list.
 I have managed to escape reality and paint up another unit of Italian heavy infantry, which were a joy to paint.
I also completed a Spanish artillery piece, and another command base, just in case I didnt have enough commanders.For some perverse reason I have started using a bronze/copper paint for armour. Im certain its not historically correct, but I like the colour.
 So I apologise to any armour expert now, as there will be more units containing bronze coloured armour. So returning to the post title, I hope I will have a period to actually 'stare' and get back to some wargaming.

Honour Guard of Cesare Borgia.

Honour Guard of Cesare Borgia.